Escaping the Content Treadmill

December 13, 2021
Alessandro Russo

You don’t need to create more content. Put your existing content to work for you.

Time is our most precious asset. For creators and communities, this truism is all the more pronounced: Your livelihood depends on trading time for money and content.

As content producers become successful, they search for ways to scale. Outlets like Substack suggest a simple solution: Produce lots of content, keep some free, and hide some behind a paywall.

Easier said than done.

Upon reaching an equilibrium between free and paid content, creators and communities face another dilemma. Their revenue correlates directly with how much content they can produce. But reapplying that method forever would mean constantly increasing content output until every waking hour was devoted to production. Beyond sounding exhausting, studies suggest that becoming a ceaseless content furnace is actually impossible.

At Pallet, we know there’s a better, less intense way. You earned your audience by producing content that resonated with them, not by barraging them with as many articles, podcasts, video essays, and newsletters as possible. Instead of trying to monopolize yet more of their content appetites, why not serve them a pipeline to potentially life-changing opportunities?

By utilizing Pallet's recruitment tools, you can get paid to feature jobs geared to your audiences’ expertise and skills. You won’t have to eke out 1,500 more words of member-only content. Instead, we can connect you with businesses who believe in your audience’s value, and let them do all the rest.

The Science of Diminishing Creative Returns

Humans only have access to about four hours of quality creative work per day. Business strategist William Ballard analyzed the lives and work habits of Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin, Alice Munro, and others. He learned that these creative powerhouses worked for roughly four hours in the morning, then devoted their afternoons to less generative pursuits.

The human brain has natural limits. And if you try to force it beyond them, the results can be disastrous. A five-year study determined that those who worked long overtime hours were more likely to endure major depressive episodes and/or to rely on substances to manage their emotions.

This four-hour limit applies not just to creative work, but to all types of mentally strenuous labor. A U.K. study of nearly 2,000 office workers determined that of the eight hours people spend “working,” only two hours and fifty-three minutes actually gets spent on productive activities.

All  the rest is lost to predictably idle activities: reading the news (sixty-five minutes), checking social media (forty-four minutes), chatting with coworkers (forty minutes), and other such things.

Creators and communities do what they do because they love their world, and they want to invite more people into it. It’s about delivering non-replicable value to passionate audiences. As you scale, you will reach a point where it’s impossible — indeed, damaging — to devote more hours of the day to creative endeavors.

Tapping the Job Pipeline

Pallet allows creators and communities to scale without ever upping their content output. In a previous article, we shared how our most successful partners earn $50,000 in completely passive income via Pallet job boards.

What better way to engage your audience than giving them privileged access to jobs? Pallet doubles and diversifies your value proposition: You’re not only a font of niche wisdom, you’re also conduit between the niche itself and a rapt crowd of qualified adherents.

Ready to take the plunge? Get your members hired by setting up a Pallet job board today.